General Plan - Project Status Update #2 Available Now

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Throughout the General Plan Update, the consultant team will prepare project status memos to keep residents informed. These updates will provide information summarizing past events, tasks in progress, and upcoming meetings.

Project Status Memo #2 is now available. The memo discusses the team's ongoing work preparing the Background Report and the upcoming Technical Advisory Committee (TAC) meeting. The memo also provides information on next steps in the Project.

To view the Status update, please visit, or view below in supporting documents. 

Existing Conditions Background Report

The Project Team has been working diligently to draft the 2050 General Plan Existing Conditions Background Report. The Background Report provides a comprehensive summary of current trends and conditions in Siskiyou County. The Report provides a detailed description of a range of topics and decision-makers, residents, and public agencies with context for the draft 2050 General Plan policies. The Background Report also serves as the Environmental Setting section of the Environmental Impact Report (EIR) for the General Plan Update. The Siskiyou County 2050 General Plan Background Report includes the following chapters:

  • Introduction
  • Population, Employment, and Housing
  • Economic and Market Analysis
  • Circulation and Transportation
  • Biological Resources
  • Cultural Resources
  • Public Facilities, Services, and Infrastructure
  • Safety and Hazards (including Geology, Noise, and Air Quality)
  • Hydrology and Water Quality

The Project Team has drafted each chapter of the Background Report and is working with County Planning Department staff and the Technical Advisory Committee to prepare the Public Review Draft Background Report. The Public Review Draft Background Report is scheduled for release in Spring 2023 and will be made available for public review and comment for a minimum of 30 days. The Project Team will send notifications via this email list (as well as the County website and social media) when the Background Report is published.

Technical Advisory Committee (TAC) Meeting #2

The County’s General Plan Technical Advisory Committee (TAC) consists of members from County departments and qualified individuals from agencies as appointed by the Planning Director. The purpose of the TAC is to provide technical input and review of administrative draft documents throughout the General Plan Update. The consultant team and County staff will facilitate TAC meetings during four Phases in the Update process, including the Existing Conditions Background Report (current phase); Vision and Guiding Principles; General Plan; and Draft Environmental Impact Report.

The County facilitated TAC Meeting #1 in November 2023 to introduce the General Plan to TAC members and review the Project schedule and TAC responsibilities. TAC Meeting #2 is currently scheduled to be held the week of March 25, 2024. Meeting #2 will provide an opportunity for County staff and consultants to discuss the purpose and scope of the Background Report and to assign Background Report chapters to TAC members based on their area of expertise. Comments from TAC members will be taken and responded to prior to release of the Public Review Draft Background Report.

Next Steps: Community Vision and Guiding Principles

Following the completion of Task 2: Background Report, the County will begin Task 3: Community Vision and Guiding Principles.

A General Plan vision statement and guiding principles are designed to reflect what community members value most about their community and the shared aspirations of what they envision their community being in the future. The vision statement will be inspirational and set the key values and aspirations for the General Plan guiding principles. The guiding principles will provide more specific guidance for development of the General Plan goals, policies, and implementation strategies. Task 3 will begin with a community workshop series to solicit input from residents regarding assets, issues, opportunities, and vision for both their communities and the county. The meetings will include informational posters, interactive exercises, and surveys or polls, to encourage input. Input received at the workshops with help to shape both the community and countywide Vision and Guiding Principles and General Plan land use policies.

Following the workshops, the County will facilitate TAC Meeting #3 and a study session with the Planning Commission and Board of Supervisors to review public input and received direction on the Draft Vision and Guiding Principles.

Read the full memo below in supporting documents.


How Can You Make a Difference?

 - Participate in the process!
The General Plan Update process is an opportunity for community members to guide the county’s future. A successful General Plan will reflect the community's vision and priorities, and we need public input to create the vision and priorities! Community members can voice their thoughts on this process at workshop events, meetings, and public hearings (dates will be shared at a later time).

- Visit the Project Website!
Check out the project website ( to get frequent updates on the status of each project phase, view drafted documents, and learn about any upcoming workshops, meetings, and other ways to stay involved.

- Sign up for Email Updates!
You can join our email list by visiting When you sign up, you will get notifications of newly released documents and any opportunities to participate in workshops, meetings, and other events.

- Attend Meetings and Workshops!
Public engagement events are a great opportunity to learn about the General Plan and Zoning Code, connect with other members of the community, and share your ideas about your home county.

Everyone is encouraged to participate in meetings and public outreach events. Please provide your email address to stay up-to-date on upcoming meetings and key project milestones. The General Plan Team will send out emails throughout the process concerning upcoming events, workshops, meetings, and project documents. Click the blue "Email List" tab on the right edge of this website to sign up.

Questions? Please reach out at or call 530-841-2100.