SIMIT and NSMIT Investigation Teams

Marijuana eradication on public land via helicopter

Siskiyou Interagency Marijuana Investigation Team (SIMIT) and North State Marijuana Investigation Team (NSMIT) 

During 2019, SIMIT and NSMIT combined seized 61,599 illegal marijuana plants and confiscated 17,763.5 pounds of processed cannabis product from the county, ranging in value (East Coast retail) from $369.6 million to $554.4 million for the illegal plants to $35.5 million to $53.3 million for the processed product.  SIMIT served 154 search warrants during 2019, all on private property sites within the county.

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Eradicating a marijuana grow on public land near Horse Creek
A helicopter dropping an officer at a eradication effort on O'Neil Creek
Working eradication effort via helicopter
An inside grow eradication
An inside grow facing eradication
Marijuana Reradication 2018 in Shasta Forest Subdivision
Processed Marijuana from 2018
Marijuana that has been processed
An Inside illegal grow