D.A.R.E. Drug Abuse Resistance Education

Local DARE Graduation

The D.A.R.E. (Drug Abuse Resistance Education) program is taught in schools throughout Siskiyou County, our nation, and the world by dedicated law enforcement officers who are extensively trained.  Kindergarten through 4th grade students are taught lessons that focus on keeping kids safe. This includes teaching kids what to do if they find a gun or a bottle of prescription medicine. The Keepin’ it REAL Elementary curriculum, used by D.A.R.E., is the backbone of the program as it targets 5th and 6th grade students by giving them the core skills and facts needed to make good decisions and live a drug-free life.  Our 7th and 8th grade curriculum teaches resistance strategies to students should they ever be tempted by their peers to use tobacco, drugs, or alcohol. D.A.R.E. is an effective program that has been well received by both educators and students.

In 2018, Siskiyou County Reserve Deputy Sheriff Jim Jacobsen taught this program to students at Grenada, Big Springs, and Delphic Elementary Schools. In 2019, Deputy Jacobsen is teaching this program to Hornbrook Elementary School, Montague Elementary School, and the Scott Valley Christian Academy in Fort Jones. 


If you a need more information please call 530-842-8300 and ask to speak with a D.A.R.E educator. Or send an e-mail to dare@siskiyousheriff.org