

This component of MHSA receives up to 5% of the total monies received for Community Services and Supports. Details about Innovation and what this component encompasses can be found on the DHCS website as well as the MHSOAC website.

In January 2020 Siskiyou County entered into a 4.5 year Innovation project with five other counties (which became seven counties by the fall of 2021) to improve Full Service Partnership (FSP) programs. Details about this program can be found in the 3-year Plan 2020-2023 and in subsequent updates following that plan. Below are summary reports provided by Third Sector, the multi-county FSP Project partners, who worked with the cohort for the first 2 years of this program to develop a comprehensive assessment of Siskiyou’s FSP program ascertaining the county’s strengths and weaknesses through client focus groups, staff engagement and regular meetings both with the multi-county initiative and in one-on-one meetings.