Scott Valley Groundwater Advisory Committee

The Flood Control District Board, in its decision-making capacity, established a community-based Scott Valley Groundwater Basin Advisory Committee to serve as an advisory role and make recommendations to the District board on GSP development and implementation. Members are Board appointed through an open application process. The committee provides valuable insight and recommendations to the Board by applying local knowledge, review of monitoring and technical data, and discussion of groundwater management activities such as projects during GSP implementation of the Scott Valley GSP. Meetings of the Advisory Committee are publicly noticed consistent with the Brown Act. The public, stakeholder working groups, and non-profit organizations are encouraged to participate. Previous meeting material can be found below.

Members Representation Appointment Date
Amanda Cooper Environmental/Conservation 4/5/22
Brandon Fawaz Private Pumper 3/20/18
Sarah Schaefer Tribal Representative 1/16/24
Lauren Sweezey Private Pumper 1/16/24
Michael Stapleton Residential 3/20/18
Theo Johnson Member-at-large 4/5/22
Tom Jopson Private Pumper 3/20/18
Jim Morris Scott Valley Irrigation District 4/5/22
Charnna Gilmore City/Municipal 4/5/22


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