RFP - Vehicle/Waste Removal and Disposal

Bid/RFP Status: 
Closed - no longer accepting bids and proposals
Bid/RFP Due Date: 
Friday, July 28, 2023 - 4:00pm

In an effort to help target certain areas of Siskiyou County where unlawful dumping on private property has occurred, Siskiyou County Community Development is receiving funds from the CalRecycle to cleanup these sites and provide preventative measures to help aid property owners from becoming repeat victims of unlawful dumping. Each site is needing removal of waste, debris, and scrap but also needs to have approved signage posted.

The proposed project includes the removal of illegally dumped trash, waste, recyclables, refuse, medical hazard waste, and signage installed. The projects are located throughout the County. The Contractor is responsible for all the prescribed work, materials, waste permits, and associated equipment necessary to complete the project. The project is funded through a Calrecycle Grant – Farm and Ranch Solid Waste Cleanup and Abatement Grant Program.

Proposals must be submitted by way of mail, hand delivery, and/or electronic means, as described below:

Hand Delivery: Hard copy proposals submitted by hand delivery must be received at Community Development at 806 S. Main St. Yreka, Ca. 96097 on or before July 28, 2023 at 4:00pm (ATTN: Alexa Roche Environmental Health Specialist, Andrea Fox Code Enforcement Officer). Please note “RFP # 23-01” on front of envelope.

Mailing: Hard copy proposals by way of mail must be mailed to 806 S. Main St. Yreka, Ca. 96097 and postmarked by July 25, 2023. Please note “RFP # 23-01” on front of envelope.

Electronic Copy Submittal: Submit an electronic copy of the proposal via email. Electronic copies shall be emailed to [Alexa Roche Environmental Health Specialist] at aroche@co.siskiyou.ca.us us and must be received by 4:00pm July 28, 2023. Please include “RFP # “23-01” in subject line.

Proposers shall provide one (1) original copy with signature and three (3) exact copies of the original by hand or mail delivery, as instructed above.

Proposers submitting proposals electronically will only be required to send one signed copy.

Proposers are asked to direct all inquiries related to the project(s) to Alexa Roche by email, aroche@co.siskiyou.ca.us or Andrea Fox by email afox@co.siskiyou.ca.us, or by phone at 530-841-2117 or 530-842-8207.